The long awaited Spirit Rangers animated series is out with a prominent Cheyenne River tie. When Netflix’s 220 million subscribers logged into their accounts on Monday, they found the new series “Spirit Rangers.” Karen Ducheneaux of Swiftbird is the mother to Wacinyeya who is 12. Her son voiced the ranger character Kodiak, called KODI…the oldest sibling who transforms into a bear…The show was created by Native writers, producers and voice actors. The 20 episodes were unveiled on Indigenous Peoples Day. The show is the also the first kids show in the U.S. to be created by a Native woman, according to Netflix. It joins the animated world of Indigenous on-screen characters, which includes PBS Kids’ “Molly of Denali” released in 2019.
A Native American photographer took powerful portraits of members of every tribe across the US…Photographer Matika Wilbur went on a mission to photograph members of every federally recognized Native tribe in North America. Wilbur herself is Swinomish and Tulalip. She began Project 562 after her grandmother appeared to her in a dream and told her to leave an assignment in South America and photograph her own people.
SpaceX has delivered a fresh crew to the International Space Station for NASA, including the first Russian to launch from the U.S. in 20 years. The crew of four also includes the first Native American woman to orbit the Earth. The new arrivals will replace four astronauts who will return in their own SpaceX capsule next week.