“Daughter of a Lost Bird” — a documentary made by and featuring two Montana Native women — is less about closure than about openings. There is no tidy bow at the end, and no singular takeaway. The documentary, which premiered at the 2021 Maoriland Film Festival in New Zealand, follows adult adoptee Kendra Potter, who decides to find connection with her Native identity and culture. It begins with Potter at age 34 as she meets her birth mother and discovers, over the course of eight years, her ties to the Lummi Nation — a Native American tribe located in the coastal region of Washington state, near Bellingham.de new investments for clean energy projects
The National Indian Health Board is communicating with the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to keep on top of the current monkeypox outbreak. The number of confirmed monkeypox cases surpasses 6,000, based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) counts. President Biden’s decision to declare monkeypox a public health emergency allows him to raise awareness of the virus and unlock more flexibility for spending on ways to treat and tackle the virus.